CT2001 Deluxe Thermostat

Our tamper proof thermostats allow you, to lock and limit how high or low your tenants or employees can set the thermostat. By preventing others from setting the thermostat to extremes you can save as much as 32% on your utility bills.

$149.99 Each

Thank you for ordering a CT2001 Deluxe Tamperproof Thermostat. We offer a free customization service for your CT2001. We will pre-program your thermostat to your exact specifications before we ship it out at nocharge to you.

Please answer a few brief questions below
1. Would you like us to pre program your thermostat(s)
2. What type of Heating and Cooling system do you have?
3a. What do you want your maximm heating limit to be?
3b. What do you want your minimum cooling limit to be?
4. Do you want the thermostat to run on a specific schedule?

Please fill in start time and temperatures below

Period Week Days Week Ends
Start time Heat Cool Start time Heat Cool

5. Would you like to lock the screen?
6. Please enter your email address
7. Other requested Settings? Please specify